How to Tell a Guy You Like Him – How to Flirt With Him, Approach the Conversation in a Subtle Way, and Wear His Favorite Color

If you’re looking for how to tell a guy you like him, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn how to flirt with him, approach the conversation in a subtle way, and wear his favorite color.


  • Flirting is a great way to make a guy smile. It also shows that you are interested in him. However, it is important to choose the right tactics to make it work.
  • First, don’t get carried away. If you’re going to flirt, it’s better to keep it light and fun. Avoid touching the guy too much. This includes the obvious hand-to-mouth gestures like kissing hello and goodbye. The last thing you want to do is come across as a stalker.
  • The next step is to learn what the guy is looking for in a woman. By doing this, you’ll make him feel more comfortable around you and eventually make a good first impression. Another useful trick is to play up your good looks by choosing clothing that complements your body. For instance, opt for high-waisted skinny jeans and a low-cut top.
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to touch him on the right places. You can use your hands to compliment him, or give him a hug. Doing these things can be more effective than using the hand-to-mouth gestures.
  • The best time to show your interest in a guy is when you know him well. Men like to be needed. If you’re in a conversation, ask him about his life and his dreams. He will likely reciprocate by doing the same for you. A casual coffee date can be a great opportunity to find out more.
  • As you might have guessed, flirting is not always the easiest task. Sometimes you’ll have to figure out the right timing, the right words, and the right body language. But with the right techniques, it can be a fun and enlightening experience. In fact, you might even win him over. So what are you waiting for? Make it a date tonight!
  • Remember to smile! Smiling is a universal sign of happiness. When you do, he will smile back, which is probably the best reward of all. Likewise, the best way to tell a guy you like him is to ask him about himself. Not only will he appreciate the gesture, but he’ll also enjoy sharing his thoughts with you.
Tell a Guy You Like Him
Tell a Guy You Like Him

Wearing his favorite color

If you are looking for the best way to tell a guy you like him, the first question you ask should be what color is he wearing. Unless he’s wearing something on your head, chances are it’s blue. Aside from that, you’re trying to impress someone in the first place, and if you want to keep them there, you’ll need to put on a display worthy of their adoration. The best way to do this is to go with a color scheme that’s not too overpowering. For example, if you’re not into bright colors, then a muted hue of tan may be just the ticket.

In addition to a colorful look, you’ll also need to remember to smile. Men are savvy consumers, and if you make them feel pampered, they will be more apt to reciprocate. You can go this route by having a small gift waiting for them at their door, or in their pocket. One of the best ways to show your love is to shower them with gifts in kind, preferably unopened.

Another way to tell a guy you like him is to pay attention to what he’s saying, and not merely listening to it. Having a few amusing conversations is always a good idea, and you’ll want to make sure you keep his attention. This is especially true if he’s having a few too many.

Wearing a winky emoji

  • If you’re wondering how to tell a guy you like him, you might be tempted to use the Winking Face emoji. It’s a popular emoticon that sends a simple, direct message that says you’re flirting with him. However, it’s not always the best way to convey your feelings.
  • Thankfully, there are many other emojis that can help you say what you want to. Whether you want to tell your crush that you love him or that you’re interested in his friendship, you can do it using a variety of emojis. Listed below are the most commonly used emojis that you can use to convey your emotions to your crush.
  • The “See No Evil” Monkey can be added to any sentence. This emoji makes the recipient laugh. You can also use it to show your gratitude for a compliment.
  • Another emoji you might consider using is the Smiley Face. Having a smile on your face is a sign that you are happy. Moreover, it indicates that you’re genuinely interested in someone. In fact, 41 per cent of women choose to use the smiley face emoji to flirt.
  • Likewise, the Kissing Face Emoji shows that you’re romantically involved with someone. A winking face emoji can express a positive attitude, but it may also imply hidden meaning. Hence, you should be careful when sending a winking emoji to a crush.
  • Some guys are very cautious about how they act. They tend to use emojis to avoid getting caught. But others are more playful and use emojis as a way to hide mischief.
  • While a winking emoji is a straightforward way to let a guy know you like him, you can also use a flirty smirking face emoji to get his attention. It’s bolder than most emojis, though, so be careful if you decide to use it.
  • Finally, the Embarrassed Face emoji is a way to show your embarrassment or blushing. As such, it’s a good emoji to use in situations where you feel awkward.
  • These are just a few emojis you can use to show your feelings. There are several other options available, including the “Drooling” emoji and the “Sweat” emoji.
Tell a Guy You Like Him
Tell a Guy You Like Him

Approaching the conversation with subtlety

Whether you’re chatting on the phone, texting, or even over coffee, you can use subtle ways to tell a guy you like him. This is a good way to let him know you have a crush, but also to keep yourself from being too abrasive.

When you are talking to him, make sure you maintain eye contact. It shows him that you are listening and interested in what he is saying. However, do not look at him too closely. A little eye contact is okay, but you don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable.

Another way to show interest is to do something he enjoys. For instance, he may like sports. If you know that he likes football, try to pick out a sports shirt for him. Or, surprise him with a meal or drink he loves.

Another thing you can do is ask him questions. He’s likely not stupid, and he’ll feel honored to be asked. So, you can get to know him by asking him about his family, his hobbies, or his interests.

You can also playfully nudge him. If you’re sitting near him, gently brush his arm, or gently whisper in his ear. Doing this will give him a chance to get comfortable with you. The more he gets to know you, the more he will realize that you have feelings for him.

Don’t worry if he doesn’t respond to you. It’s natural to be disappointed, but it doesn’t have to be devastating. Try to be open about your disappointment, but keep your cool. As long as you are still positive about the relationship, it’s OK to have a positive attitude.

Ultimately, you will want to be yourself and be honest with yourself. Trying to be someone you’re not can make it harder to break up. Stay true to yourself, and remember to cherish your first dates.

Remember, it takes time to develop feelings for someone. So don’t rush things, and don’t move on right away. Embrace your feelings and take time to explore the possibilities. By doing this, you can get to know your crush better and build a strong relationship with him.

Tell a Guy You Like Him Review