Dating-Mating – Why ‘Good Girls’ Find Love – and Bad Girls Don’t

Dating-Mating – Increasing your appeal may not be enough to secure your man’s heart, but it will boost his chances of seeing you again. Here are some tips to make you appear more attractive to men. Obsessing over your appearance may be worth it.

Increasing a woman’s attractiveness boosted a man’s chances of seeing her again

The number of times a man wants to see a woman is directly related to her attractiveness. In fact, men tend to be more attracted to women with higher attractiveness than women with lower attractiveness. Increasing a woman’s attractiveness is a sure way to boost a man’s chances of seeing her again. This research shows that increasing a woman’s attractiveness increases her chance of attracting men by as much as fourteen percent.

Dating  Mating Why Good Girls Find Love  and Bad Girls Dont


The researchers found that female attractiveness scores were significantly associated with her height, which is consistent with previous research suggesting that humans mate assortatively based on height. They also found that the relative height of a man and his penis size were positively related to a woman’s attractiveness rating. This finding was significant when controlling for body mass index and penis size.

Obsessing about appearance may be worth the effort

Obsessing about looks may pay off during dating and mating, according to recent research. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania examined data from 10,526 participants in a commercial dating service, and found that physical appearance had a great deal to do with the outcome of matches. The research suggests that both men and women value appearance, but revealing intelligence also reaps big returns.


Dating – Mating